Its been a while hasn't it? I've been so busy with school that I haven't even had time to take a deep breath. I had five finals in four days. I'm sure if I actually drank coffee it would have been slightly easier but of course I'm the only college student who doesn't, I drank lots of hot chocolate though.
So not to much to report because as I said Ive been really busy, but now that I'm free expect lots of miniature reports. I'm going to work a lot on my witch shop, which I believe shall now be named 'The Curious Raven'. Its nerve wracking because this is my very first dollhouse built from scratch. The wiring is done so now I need to wallpaper it.
Anyone know any tricks to remember where the wiring lies underneath and how to hide the line between different sheets of wallpaper? My shop is very tall because it has a loft so I think I'll need two sheets to cover it all completely but I don't want the line between them to be obvious. But it will just have to be trial and error.
hopefully the next post will have bigger news.
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